OVOS Plugins Compatibility

Hivemind leverages ovos-plugin-manager, bringing compatibility with hundreds of plugins.

💡 OVOS plugins can be used both on client and server side

Plugin Type Description Documentation
Microphone Captures voice input Microphone Documentation
VAD Voice Activity Detection VAD Documentation
WakeWord Detects wake words for interaction WakeWord Documentation
STT Speech-to-text (STT) STT Documentation
TTS Text-to-speech (TTS) TTS Documentation
G2P Grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P), used to simulate mouth movements G2P Documentation
Media Playback Enables media playback (e.g., "play Metallica") Media Playback Documentation
OCP Plugins Provides playback support for URLs (e.g., YouTube) OCP Plugins Documentation
Audio Transformers Processes audio before speech-to-text (STT) Audio Transformers Documentation
Dialog Transformers Processes text before text-to-speech (TTS) Dialog Transformers Documentation
TTS Transformers Processes audio after text-to-speech (TTS) TTS Transformers Documentation
PHAL Provides platform-specific support (e.g., Mark 1) PHAL Documentation

Client side plugins

The tables below illustrates how plugins from the OVOS ecosystem relate to the various satellites and where they should be installed and configured

Audio input:

Supported Plugins Microphone VAD Wake Word STT
HiveMind Voice Satellite ✔️
(Required *)
HiveMind Voice Relay ✔️
HiveMind Microphone Satellite ✔️

Audio output:

Supported Plugins TTS Media Playback OCP extractors
HiveMind Voice Satellite ✔️
HiveMind Voice Relay 📡
HiveMind Microphone Satellite 📡


Supported Plugins Audio Utterance Metadata Dialog TTS
HiveMind Voice Satellite ✔️
HiveMind Voice Relay

HiveMind Microphone Satellite






Supported Plugins G2P
(mouth movements)
HiveMind Voice Satellite ✔️
HiveMind Voice Relay
HiveMind Microphone Satellite

Server side plugins

The tables below illustrates how plugins from the OVOS ecosystem relate to the various server setups and where they should be installed and configured

Audio input:

Supported Plugins Microphone VAD Wake Word STT
Hivemind Skills Server



Hivemind Sound Server ✔️
Hivemind Persona Server




Audio output:

Supported Plugins TTS Media Playback OCP extractors
Hivemind Skills Server

Hivemind Sound Server ✔️

Hivemind Persona Server




Supported Plugins Audio Utterance Metadata Dialog TTS
Hivemind Skills Server




Hivemind Sound Server 🚧
Hivemind Persona Server




Supported Plugins G2P
(mouth movements)
Hivemind Skills Server

Hivemind Sound Server

Hivemind Persona Server
