HiveMind Voice Relay

OpenVoiceOS Relay, connect to HiveMind

A lightweight version of voice-satellite, but STT and TTS are sent to HiveMind instead of handled on device

Server requirements

⚠️ hivemind-listener is required server side, the default hivemind-core does not provide STT and TTS capabilities.

Alternatively run hivemind-core together with ovos-audio and ovos-dinkum-listener

The regular voice satellite is built on top of ovos-dinkum-listener and is full featured supporting all plugins

The voice relay is built on top of ovos-simple-listener, while it needs less resources it is also missing some features

  • STT plugin
  • TTS plugin
  • Audio Transformers plugins
  • Continuous Listening
  • Hybrid Listening
  • Recording Mode
  • Sleep Mode
  • Multiple WakeWords

If you need an even lighter implementation, consider hivemind-mic-satellite to also offload wake word to the server


Install with pip

$ pip install HiveMind-voice-relay


Usage: hivemind-voice-relay [OPTIONS]

  connect to HiveMind

  --host TEXT      hivemind host
  --key TEXT       Access Key
  --password TEXT  Password for key derivation
  --port INTEGER   HiveMind port number
  --selfsigned     accept self signed certificates
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Voice relay is built on top of ovos-simple-listener and ovos-audio, it uses the default OpenVoiceOS configuration ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf

Supported plugin types:

Plugin Type Description Required Link
Microphone Captures voice input Yes Microphone
VAD Voice Activity Detection Yes VAD
WakeWord Detects wake words for interaction Yes WakeWord
G2P grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P), used to simulate mouth movements No G2P
Media Playback Plugins Enables media playback (e.g., "play Metallica") No Media Playback Plugins
OCP Plugins Provides playback support for URLs (e.g., YouTube) No OCP Plugins
PHAL Provides platform-specific support (e.g., Mark 1) No PHAL