HiveMind - Matrix bridge

What is it?

Matrix is a chat protocol, it works a little like email, but instantaneous and secure:

  • You need to register an account at a provider

  • Whatever your provider is, you can talk to people using other providers

  • In the same way you can use Outlook or Thunderbird with the same email account, you can use different Matrix apps for the same Matrix account.



Install from Github



Usage: HiveMind-matrix run [OPTIONS]

  connect a matrix chatroom to hivemind

  --botname TEXT      thehivebot
  --matrixtoken TEXT  syt_dGhl.....
  --matrixhost TEXT
  --room TEXT
  --key TEXT          HiveMind access key (default read from identity file)
  --password TEXT     HiveMind password (default read from identity file)
  --host TEXT         HiveMind host (default read from identity file)
  --port INTEGER      HiveMind port number (default: 5678)
  --help              Show this message and exit.